1.    Think about the whole experience of flying (from check-in to the time you leave the airport at your destination) and answer these questions. If possible, discuss your answers with someone else.

1   What is the most interesting part, and what is the most boring part?

2   Where do you often have delays, and why?

3   Is there any part that frightens or worries you?

4   What do you usually do during most flights?

5   Do you always eat the food they give you?

6   Is there one thing which would improve flying and make the experience more interesting?

2.    What would you say in these situations?

1   You want to stay in a hotel for two nights next week with your husband/wife. You phone the hotel. What do you ask or say?

2   You are at the hotel reception and you are planning to leave in about 15 minutes. What could you ask the receptionist?

3   You want to wake up at 7 a.m. but you don't have an alarm clock. What do you ask at reception?

4   You have a drink in the hotel bar. The barman asks how you want to pay. What's your reply?

5   When you turn on the shower in your room, the water comes out very-very slowly. What could you say at reception?

6   You want to go to the nearest bank but don't know where it is. What do you ask at reception?

3.    Without using one town more than twice, name a town or city in your country which is:

lively?                                   packed with tourists in the summer?

cosmopolitan?                       famous for its historical monuments?

very touristy?                        really worth visiting if you are interested in architecture?

not worth visiting?

4. Now answer these questions.

1. Why do most people go to seaside resorts?

2. Why do people sunbathe?

3. Why do they use sunblock?

4. Why do they use suntan lotion?

5. How does it feel if you get sunburn?

6. What sport requares big waves?

7. Have you been in a boat when the sea was very rough? Were you seasick?


TOURISM             LET'S SPEAK                EXERCISES                 CONCLUSION

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